Cookies policy

Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors. It is a unique identifier in the form of a text file that is sent to the user's device to record information, thus allowing the quality and security of the website to be improved. They have an expiration date after which they cease to be operational.

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services you accept our use of cookies. However, you have the option to prevent the generation of cookies and their deletion by selecting the corresponding option in your Browser. If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.

Responsible for the processing of your personal data

Company name: Self-employed Craciunesc Cosmin Lucian - “Responsible”).
CIF: Y6290455S
Address: Cal. SANTA HORTENSIA, 9, Esc Dcha, 1B
Telephone: 683 36 95 31
Email for communications regarding data protection:

CRACIUNESC COSMIN LUCIAN is responsible for the processing of the User's personal data and informs you that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27 (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 of April 5. December (LOPDGDD), so the following treatment information is provided:

 End of treatment:

Maintain a commercial relationship with the User. The operations planned to carry out the treatment are:

  • Carry out statistical studies.
  • Carry out Google Adwords campaigns adapted to your profiles.
  • Forward the newsletter on the website.

Legal basis of treatment:

Consent of the interested party.

Data retention:

Some of the cookies used on this website will save your data as long as you remain logged in. On the other hand, the data extracted by third-party cookies will be stored for two years.

Recipients. Data communication:

The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.

Rights that assist the user:

  • Right to withdraw consent at any time.
  • Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its processing.
  • Right to file a claim with the supervisory authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact information to exercise your rights:

Company name: Self-employed Craciunesc Cosmin Lucian .
CIF: Y6290455S
Address: Cal. SANTA HORTENSIA, 9, Esc Dcha, 1B
Phone: 683 36 95 31
Email for communications regarding data protection:
  • Usefulness of cookies on my website

We use cookies to facilitate web navigation and to obtain greater efficiency and personalization of the services we offer. The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous User and their device; they do not provide references that allow them to obtain their personal data or include viruses in it. Cookies implanted on your device from other servers cannot be read either. The information we analyze using cookies is the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, browser type and version, operating system and platform used for the connection, and the date and time of said activity. .

Cookies used

We use permanent cookies that are stored on the user's device and that allow navigation information to be recovered on the next visit. They have an expiration date. These cookies allow us to personalize your visits, through your preferences (for example, country and language).

We also use third-party cookies that allow us to manage and improve the services offered. Such as, for example, the statistical services of Google Analytics.

Statistical analysis and registration cookies

We use permanent cookies that are stored on the user's device and that allow navigation information to be recovered on the next visit. They have an expiration date. These cookies allow us to personalize your visits, through your preferences (for example, country and language).

We also use third-party cookies that allow us to manage and improve the services offered. Such as, for example, the statistical services of Google Analytics. Below we collect in a schematic way the cookies previously described and used on the website:

  • ASP.NET_SessionId, MABSesion: These cookies are session identifiers provided by the Microsoft ASP server and the system itself. They are used to identify a user who has logged in to our website.
  • cookie_products: Identifies for the current session the products that the user has consulted in order to offer a better browsing experience.
  • chkCookie: Identifies for this session the acceptance of the use of cookies that we make on the website and in this way does not show the notice again.
  • testCookie: Allows you to know anonymously if the browser used in this session allows the use of cookies. It is necessary for the correct functioning of the website that the browser allows the use of cookies, otherwise some of the functions may not be available.
  • _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz: These Google Analytics cookies generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records the first and last time you visited the website. Likewise, it calculates when a session has ended, user origin, and keywords. Google Analytics is a company of Google Inc., the company providing this cookie.
  • __utmx, __utmxx: These Google Analytics cookies are used by Website Optimizer and are only set when you have installed the Website Optimizer tracking code and configured it correctly for your pages. Expires 2 years from the update system. Google Analytics is a company of Google Inc., the company providing this cookie.
  • _uetsid: Bing uses this cookie to determine which ads to display that may be relevant to the end user browsing the site.
  • _uetvid: This is a cookie used by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user who has previously visited our website.
  • _fbp, _fbc: Used by Facebook to offer a series of advertising products, such as real-time offers from third-party advertisers.
  • MAButm, MAButmh: Both cookies store information about possible marketing campaign field (the first stores data, and the second keeps a history).
  • NREUM, NRAGENT and JSESSIONID: New Relic, a web application monitoring service, is used. The cookies that may be used (NREUM, NRAGENT and JSESSIONID) are used to calculate the response time of the web page in web browsers. the users. If you want more information about the cookies used by New Relic you can see it here. New Relic is a company of New Relic, Inc. the company providing these cookies.

Advertising cookies

They are those that allow us to effectively manage the advertising spaces on our website and third parties, adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the requested service or the use you make of our website.

This website uses the Google Adwords remarketing tool. This tool allows you to publish ads on the Google Content Network based on users' previous visits to our website. To achieve this, the pages of our website include a remarketing code or tag that is set by cookies to determine the type of advertisement that will be shown to the user based on their navigation on the website. Remarketing lists are stored in a database on Google servers, where all cookie IDs associated with each list or category of interest are stored. Regarding remarketing cookies, the user can disable the use of Google cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page. More info here:

DoubleClick advertising cookie (Google)

DoubleClick is a third-party advertising service for some web pages. In you can see the privacy policy. DoubleClick uses cookies to improve advertising. They are often used to target advertising based on content that is relevant to a user, improve campaign performance reporting, and avoid showing ads that the user has already seen. DoubleClick cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Sometimes the cookie contains an additional identifier that looks like the cookie ID. This identifier is used to identify an advertising campaign to which a user has previously been exposed; but DoubleClick does not store other data in the cookie and none of the data allows personal identification.

To allow, know, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer, you can do so by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer .

For example, you can see how to do it in the help provided by each browser depending on which one you use:

What happens if cookies are disabled?

If you block or do not accept the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services offered by our website that require your use will be disabled and, therefore, will not be available to you, so you will not be able to take full advantage of everything we offer. our websites and applications offer you. It is also possible that the quality of the website's performance may decrease.

Can I change the cookie settings?

If you want to change the cookie settings, you can do so by clicking on the following link .

Updates to the Cookies Policy

Our website may modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, so users are advised to visit it periodically. .